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Associate Professor at The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus.

Coordinator of the MSc program Digital Cultural Heritage 

Research interests in: 

Digital Cultural Heritage - knowledge representation and nD scientific visualisation.

Archaeology: Earliest vegetal food consumption in Eurasia, The Sea People of the Mediterranean.  

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Home: Experience


1991 - 1993

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Majors in Prehistory and Classical Archaeology and minors in Cultural Anthropology, Art History and History of the Bible.
Full university scholarship and employment as research assistant in Prehistory (field supervisor in department’s excavations and laboratory research).


1993 - 1996

Hebrew University, Jerusalem. MA thesis on statistical methods for prehistoric surveys and analysis of Upper Palaeolithic lithic assemblages from the Northern Negev hills, Israel. Assistant curator of prehistoric collections at the Israel Antiquities Authority.


1997 = 2001

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Title of Thesis: Socio-Economic Aspects of Chalcolithic Societies - a Lithic Perspective. Employed as lecturers, teaching undergraduate and graduate where courses in Prehistory, Human Evolution, Research Methodology and Computer Applications to Archaeology (mandatory and elective).

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Learning and Living


1991 - 1993

Research assistant - prehistory. analysis of lithic assemblages from prehistoric sites and field supervisor of educational archaeological excavations.


1993 - 1996

Assistant curator of prehistoric collections. Archiving, indexing and organising collections and preparation of exhibitions.


1997 - 2000

Lecturer - teaching mandatory and elective undergraduate and graduate courses in prehistory and computer applications in archaeology.


2001 - 2002

Research fellow - the use of supercomputing in archaeology, scientific visualisation and multi-variate statistical analysis.


2002 - 2004

Post - doctoral fellowship - scientific visualisation in archaeology and Cultural Heritage. 3D modelling and knowledge representation.


2002 - 2004

Researcher - 3D visualisation and ontologies for Cultural Heritage Research


2008 - current position

Associate Professor, Digital Cultural Heritage (former research coordinator and assistant professor).

Home: Education


What I Do

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3D documentation of architectural remains and integrated analytical and 3D shape analysis of special finds.


3D geometry and analytical methods applied to reconstruct their chaîne opératoire


3D documentation, multi-spectral imaging and spectroscopy analysis of figurines, seals and unique artefacts



3D documentation, H-BIM, conservation, seismic vulnerability assessment and perception of parietal iconographic decorations.


3D data capture of highly reflective surfaces.


3D documentation, virtual restoration and restitution.



3D documentation and shape analysis of ancient inscriptions.


3D documentation, assessment of construction methods and use of space through virtual reconstruction.


3D rugosity analysis and digital microscopy on Upper Paleolithic grinding stones.



3D documentation and use-wear analysis.


3D documentation and architectural history.


3D documentation of built remains, stratigraphic analysis.

Home: Skills


Horizon Europe



Perfect Execution

The project aims to
set up the methodological, procedural, and organizational framework of a Competence Centre able to seamlessly work with a network of national, regional, and local Cultural Institutions, providing them with advice, support, and services focused on the preservation and conservation of historical monuments and sites. 4CH starts on the 1st January 2021 for a duration of three years.



A Real Success

IPERION HS is a consortium of 24 partners from 23 countries that contributes to establishing a pan-European research infrastructure on heritage science. It offers training and access to a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data and tools for advancing knowledge and innovation in heritage science.



A Real Success

Integrate and effectively serve a research community that studies the past to better understand the present with the tools and the methodology of the future, in the service of culture and society



European Technologies and strategies for Cultural Heritage at risk.

The project concerns the creation of an innovative EU curriculum of a professional and specialist figure of ‘Archaeologist Technologist’ who can deal with diagnostic mapping, research, valorization and publishing for the safeguard of Cultural Heritage at risk, specifically Archaeological Heritage.



Geometric Reconstruction and Novel Semantic Reunification of Cultural Heritage Objects”.

A digital platform for the Re-Association and Re-Assembly of Cultural heritage assets.  The project created a set of software tools that will allow archaeologists and curators to reconstruct shattered or broken cultural objects, to identify and re-unify parts of a cultural object that has been separated across collections and to recognise associations between cultural artefacts that will allow new knowledge and understanding of past societies to be inferred.



The European Music Archaeology Project

The project aims to highlight Europe’s ancient cultural roots from an unusual perspective: musical, scientific and “sensorial”. The starting point was music, because music has always been perceived as a primary need of any civilization worthy of the name. Music can sometimes reveal little known facts about ancient civilizations. It created a network of relationships and points of contact among European peoples long before we became aware of this common identity, before the Old Continent became known as such and the “history of music” began.



Tools and Expertise for 3D Collection Formation

The 3D-COFORM consortium has one over-riding aim: to establish 3D documentation as an affordable, practical and effective mechanism for long term documentation of tangible cultural heritage. 3D-COFORM proposed an ambitious program of technical research, coupled with practical exercises and research in the business of 3D to inform and accelerate the deployment of these technologies to good effect.



Virtual Museum Transnational Network is a Network of Excellence, focused on Virtual Museums. It aims to provide the heritage sector with the tools and support to develop Virtual Museums that are educational, enjoyable, long-lasting and easy to maintain.



Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy

The project aims to set a multi-lingual online collection of millions of digitised items from European museums, libraries, archives and multi-media collections. The project will make available the vast majority of the surviving inscriptions of the Greco-Roman world, complete with the essential information about them and, for all the most important, a translation into English.

For more examples of my work, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Home: Projects



Hermon, S., Socio – Economic Aspects of Chalcolithic Societies in Southern Levant – A Lithic Perspective, B.A.R. International Reports 1744, Archaeopress, Oxford.


Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S., 2008. Beyond the Artifact – Digital Interpretation of the Past. Proceedings of the CAA2004 Conference. Archaeolingua, Budapest.

Ashley, M., Hermon, S., Proenca, A., Rodriguez-Echevarria, K. (eds.) 2008. VAST 2008, 9th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Eurographics Symposium Proceedings, Eurographics, Germany.

Ashley, M., Hermon, S., Proenca, A., Rodriguez-Echevarria, K. (eds.). 2008. VAST 2008, 9th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Eurographics Symposium Proceedings, Workshops, Short and Project Papers, Universidade do Minho, Braga.

Hermon, S., 2007. Academic Curricula for Digital Heritage, Archaeolingua, Budapest.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., 2007. Communicating Cultural Heritage in the XXIst Century – the Chiron Project and its Research Opportunities, Archeolingua, Budapest.

Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S., 2002. Multimedia Communication for Cultural Heritage. Archaeolingua, Budapest.


Polig, M., Papacharalambous, D., Hermon, S., Bakirtzis, N., 2021. Visual acuity and 3D GIS as means for investigating visibility of iconographic programs in historic churches - St. John the Theologian cathedral in Nicosia (Cyprus) as a case study, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage.

Gasanova, S., Bakirtzis, N., Hermon, S., 2020. The Crucifixion by Baronzio: Integrated non-invasive approach to study episodes of intervention, Heritage Science.

Bonanos, A.M., Faka, M., Abate, D., Hermon, S., Blanco, M-J., 2019. Heliostat surface shape characterization for accurate flux prediction, Renewable Energy 142: 30-40.

Rosen, S.A., Marder, O. and Hermon, S., 2019. The Tabular Scraper Caches at Ein Yarka and Eilat: Lithics in a Ritual Context. In S. Nakamura, T. Adachi, M. Abe (eds.), Decades in Deserts: Essays on Near Eastern Archaeology in honour of Sumio Fujii, Rokuichi Syobou, Japan, pp. 153-168.  

Knabb, K., Rosen, S.A., Hermon, S., Vardi, J., Horwitz, L.K. and Goren, Y. 2018. A Middle Timnian Nomadic Encampment on the Faynan-Beersheba Road: Excavations and Survey at Nahal Tsafit (Late 5th/Early 4th Mill. BCE). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 380: 27-60.

Hermon, S., Polig, M., Driessen, J., Jans, G., Bretschneider, J. 2018. An integrated 3D shape analysis and scientific visualization approach to the study of a Late Bronze Age unique stone object from Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Cyprus, Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 10.

Stefan, L., Hermon, S., Faka, M. 2018. Prototyping 3D virtual learning environments with X3D-based content and visualization tools, Educational Technology Research and Development. BRAIN – Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 9 (1): 1-16.

Hermon, S., Vico, L., Depalmas, A., Atzeni, I., 2017. A 3D approach to the archaeological study of the built remains at the Santa Cristina well sanctuary, Sardinia, Italy, Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 6:4-9.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F. 2017. Formally defining the time - space – archaeological culture relation in archaeology - problems and prospects, Archeologia e Calcolatori 28(1):93-108.

Gasanova, S., Bakirtzis, N., Hermon, S. 2017. Non-invasive sub-surface analysis of the male portrait underlying the Titian’s Studio Ecce Homo. Heritage Science: 5 – 33. DOI 10.1186/s40494-017-0145-2.

Hafez, I. T., Sorrentino, G., Faka, M., Cuenca-Garcia; C., Makarona, C., Charalambous, A., Nys, K., Hermon, S. 2017. Geochemical survey of soil samples from the archaeological site Dromolaxia-Vyzakia (Cyprus), by means of micro-XRF and statistical approaches. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 11: 447 – 462.

Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S., 2016. Expressing Reliability with CIDOC CRM. International Journal on Digital Libraries, Special Issue on Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) 18(4):281-287. DOI: 10.1007/s00799-016-0195-1.

Gasanova, S., Pagès-Camagna, S., Andrioti, M., Lemasson, Q., Brunel, L., Doublet, C. Hermon, S. 2016.  Polychromy Analysis on Cypriot Archaic Statues by Non- and Micro-Invasive Analytical Techniques, Archaeometry 59(3): 528 – 546. DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12257.

Gasanova, S., Pagès-Camagna, S., Andrioti, M., Hermon, S. 2016. Non-invasive in-situ analysis of the polychromy on ancient Cypriot sculptures, Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10:83-95. DOI: 10.1007/s12520-016-0340-1.

Vassallo V., Kyriacou N., Hermon S., 2016. Eliades I. Uno strumento WebGIS per lo studio ed analisi dei percorsi spazio-temporali del patrimonio culturale di Cipro. Archeologia e Calcolatori, Supplemento 8. pp. 162-169.

Doerr, M. et al. 2016. Definition of the CRMarchaeo - An Extension of CIDOC CRM to support the archaeological excavation process, version 1.4. Available at

Cuenca-Garcia, C., Sarris, A., Makarona, C., Charalambos, A., Faka, M., Hafez, I., Hermon, S., Kassianidou, V., Nys, K., 2015. Integrated geophysical and in-situ soil geochemical survey at Dromolaxia-Vizakia (Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus), Archaeologia Polona 53:440-443.

Vassallo, V., Hermon, S. 2015. Creative Re-use of Data: A GIS Tool to Trace the Provenance of Cypriot Cultural Heritage, Uncommon Culture Vol. 6, no. 2 (12), pp. 110-115.  

Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S., 2015. Representing Gazetteers and Period Thesauri in four-dimensional space-time, International Journal on Digital Libraries, Special Issue on Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) 17(1): 63-69.

Vico, L., Atzeni, I., Hermon, S., Depalmas, A, Iannone, G., 2015. Métodos para la reconstrucción virtual de construcciones históricas. El caso de estudio de Santa Cristina de Paulilatino, Virtual Archaeology Review.

Khalaily, H., Hermon, S., 2012. Excavations at Gat Guvrin (Nahal Komem): A Late Chalcolithic Site in the Northern Negev. Atiqot 75: 1-25.

Damnjanovic, U., Hermon, S., 2012. Generating Content for Digital Libraries Using an Interactive Content Management System, Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 7489, pp 474-479.

Hermon, S., Kalisperis, L., 2011. Between the Real and the Virtual: 3D visualisation in the archaeological research - expectations and prospects, Virtual Archaeology Review 2(4): 59-63.

Fabian, P., Hermon, S., Goren, Y., 2004. Ramot 3: a Chalcolithic open-air site in the Northern Be’er-Sheva valley. Atiqot 47:57-80.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., 2003. La logica fuzzy e le sue applicazioni alla ricerca archeologica. Archeologia e Calcolatori 14: 97-110.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., 2002. Estimating subjectivity of typologists and typological classification with fuzzy logic, Archeologia e Calcolatori 13:217-232.

Hermon, S., 2000. Prehistoric Remains from a Salvage Excavation at Metar, Northern Negev, Atiqot 39:1-19.

Garfinkel, Y., Hermon, S., 1999. Metar, Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel 100: 82*-83*.


Polig, M., Hermon, S., Catalano, C.E., Spagnuolo, M., Sorrentino, G., Middleton, S.E., Modafferi, S. 2021. Novel approaches to the Re-assembly, Re-association and Re-unification of cultural heritage collections – the GRAVITATE project solution. CAA2018.

Polig, M., Kajzer, M., De hooghe, G. Hermon, S. 2020. The volume of light - How to estimate the capacity of ancient oil lamps using 3D models?, in: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Proceedings 2019, Krakow, Poland.

Polig, M., Hermon, S., Jusseret, S., Sorrentino, G., Driessen, J., Kanta, A., Bretschneider, J. 2020.  Virtual Experimentation - Reasoning on the original appearance and use of a copper alloy implement from Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus) with high-resolution 3D models, in: V. Bigot Juloux, T. Nurmikko-Fuller, S. Matskevich (eds.)., CyberResearch on the Ancient Near East and Neighboring Regions (vol. 2).

Weingarten, J., Polig, M. Hermon, S. 2020. The Palaikastro Master Ring and the Griffon Warrior's Combat Agate: Drawing Conclusions, in B. Davis and R. Laffineur (eds), Neôteros. Studies in Bronze Age Aegean Art and Archaeology in Honor of Professor John G. Younger

Peeters Press, pp. 131-140.  

Kyriacou, P. and Hermon, S., 2019. Can I touch this? Using natural interaction in a museum augmented reality system. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 12, p.e00088.

Vassallo, V., Hermon, S., Scalas, A., Mortara, and Spagnuolo, M. 2020. A re-evaluation of the concept of type in coroplastic studies based on 3D shape analysis of terracotta figurines from Ayia Irini, Cyprus. In CAA 2019.

Santagati, C.; Laurini, C. R.; Sanfilippo, G.; Bakirtzis, N.; Papacharalambous, D.; Hermon, S., 2019. Hbim for the surveying, analysis and restoration of the Saint John the theologian cathedral in Nicosia (Cyprus), International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences . 5/8/2019, Vol. XLII-2/W11, p1039-1046.

Scalas, A., Vassallo, V., Mortara, M., Spagnuolo, M. and Hermon, S., An automatic approach for the classification of ancient clay statuettes based on heads features recognition, S. Rizvic and K. Rodriguez Echavarria (Eds). EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2019, pp. 1–4.

Thompson, E. M., Biasotti, S., Sorrentino, G., Polig, M., Hermon, S. 2018. Towards an Automatic 3D Patterns Classification: the GRAVITATE Use Case, in R. Sablatnig, M.  Wimmer (eds.) GCH 2018 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Eurographics Association.

Biasotti, S., Thompson, E.M., Barthe, L., Berretti, S., Giachetti, A., Lejemble, T., Mellado, N., Moustakas, K., Manolas, I., Dimou, D. and Tortorici, C., Hermon, S. 2018. Recognition of geometric patterns over 3D models. In Proceedings of the 11th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval Eurographics Association, pp. 71-77.

Hermon, S. 2018. Integrated digital approaches to the virtual restoration, re-unification and re-association of fragmented cultural heritage artifacts-the eu-funded gravitate project. In D. Hookk (ed.) Виртуальная археология с воздуха, на земле, под водой и в музее, Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Virtual Archaeology, Hermitage State Museum, St. Petersburg, 265-270.

Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S. 2018. Digital Authenticity and the London Charter. In P. Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, V. Vassallo, F. Galeazzi (eds.) Authenticity and Cultural Heritage in the Age of 3D Digital Reproductions. McDonald Institute Monographs, pp. 37-44.

Amico, N., Ronzino, P., Vassallo, V., Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., Miltiadous, N., Pilides, D. Theorising Authenticity. Practicing Reality. 2018. In P. Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, V. Vassallo, F. Galeazzi (eds.) Authenticity and Cultural Heritage in the Age of 3D Digital Reproductions. McDonald Institute Monographs, pp. 111-120.

Bonanos, A., Faka, M., Abate, D., Hermon, S., Blanco, M.J. 2018. Optical characterization of heliostats using multiple 3D geometry characterization sensors, AIP Conference Proceedings. DOI: 10.1063/1.5067044.

Scalas, A., Vassallo, V., Mortara, M., Spagnuolo, M., Hermon, S.  2018. Shape analysis techniques for the Ayia Irini case study, in R. Sablatnig and M. Wimmer (eds.) The 16th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, the Eurographics Association, pp. 255-258.

Vassallo, V., Sorrentino, G., Gasanova, S., Hermon, S. 2018. Integrating Analytical with Digital Data in Archaeology: Towards a Multidisciplinary Ontological Solution. The Salamis Terracotta Statues Case‐Study, in M. Matsumoto and E. Uleberg (eds) CAA2016: Oceans of Data Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 109-118.

Longo, L., Skakun, N.,  Sorrentino, G., Vassallo, V., Abate, D., Terehina, V., Sinytsin, A., Khlopachev, G., Hermon, S. 2018. Les gestes retrouvés: a 3D visualization approach to the functional study of Early Upper Palaeolithic ground stones, in M. Matsumoto and E. Uleberg (eds) Oceans of Data, Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 425-433.

Gasanova, S., Hermon, S. 2017. Micro-XRF complemented by x-radiography and digital microscopy imaging for the study of hidden paintings, Proc. SPIE 10331, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VI. DOI:

Abate, D., Hermon, S., Lotti, S., Innocenti, G. 2017. 3D Scientific Visualisation of 19th Century Glass Replicas of Invertebrate, 13th International Conference on e-Science, IEEE, Auckland, pp. 533-541. DOI: 10.1109/eScience.2017.87.

Abate, D., Avgousti, A., Faka, M., Hermon, S., Bakirtzis, N., Christofi, P. 2017. An online 3D database system for endangered architectural and archaeological heritage in the south-eastern Mediterranean, ISPRS International Archive of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science Conference Proceedings, Volume XLII-3/W3, pp. 1-5.

Faka, M., Christodoulou, S., Abate, D., Ioannou, C., Hermon, S. 2017. A 3D based approach to the architectural study of the roman bath at the sanctuary of Apollo Hylates (Kourion, Cyprus), ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, IV-2-W2: 91-98.  

Damnjanovic, U., Vassallo, V., Hermon, S. 2017. Integration of Multimedia Collections and Tools for Interaction with Digital Content. The case study of the Archaia Kypriaki Grammateia Digital Corpus, in S. Orlandi, R. Santucci, F. Mambrini, P.M. Liuzzo (eds.) Digital and Traditional Epigraphy in Context Proceedings of the EAGLE 2016 International Conference, pp. 247 – 262.

Phillips, S. C., Walland, P. W., Dorst, L., Spagnuolo, M., Oldman, D., Tal, A., Shimshoni, I., Hermon, S. 2016. GRAVITATE: Geometric and Semantic Matching for Cultural Heritage Artefacts. In C. E. Catalano, L. De Luca (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th Eurographics workshop on graphics and cultural heritage, The Eurographics Association.

Abate , D., Hermon , S., Eliades , I. 2016. Virtual and physical re-composition of fragmented ecclesiastical frescoes using a photogrammetric approach. Proceedings of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission VI, Prague, 2016. Pp. 153-160. Doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XLI-B5-153-2016.

Camera, C., Djuma, H., Zoumides, C., Eliades, M., Bruggeman, A., Abate, D., Faka, M., Hermon, S. 2016. Monitoring soil erosion in terraced catchments in Mediterranean regions: a field experiment in Cyprus. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-627.

Djuma, H., Camera, C., Faka, M., Bruggeman, A., Hermon, S. 2016. Assessment of dry-stone terrace wall degradation with a 3D approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-804.

Hook, D., Kharitonova, T., Nikitin, A., Hermon, S.
 2016. Loop control of emotional balance in a museum reality – virtuality continuum: problem definition and proposed approach. Proceedings of the EVA2016 Conference St. Petersburg, ITMO University. Pp. 131-136.

Kyriacou, P., Hermon, S. 2016. A Natural Interaction System with Virtual Artifacts in Augmented Reality, VIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), DOI: 10.1109/SVR.2016.14.

Vassallo V., Christophorou E., Hermon S., Vico L., Iannone G., 2016. A 3D visual and geometrical approach to epigraphic research; the Soli (Cyprus) inscription as a case study. In S. Campana, R. Scopigno, M. Cirillo (eds.) Proceedings of the 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference, Archaeopress Archaeology. Pp. 95-102.

Vassallo V., Ronzino P., Damnjanovic U., Hermon S., 2016. Un processo aperto di comunicazione della conoscenza. In F. Stanco, G. Gallo, ArcheoFOSS, Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. VIII Edizione 2015. Archaeopress, pp. 92-99.  

Artopoulos, G., Bakirtzis, N., Hermon, S., 2015. Spatially- Organised Virtual Narratives of Contested Urban Space: Digital Methods of Mapping the Spatial Experience of Shared Heritage, in Maragiannis, A. (Ed.) Final Paper /Proceedings of the Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts conference, DRHA2014, London, pp. 33-40.

Faka, M., Djuma, H., Camera, C., Bruggeman, A., Hermon, S. 2015. Estimation of soil erosion from terraced slopes: a 3D approach. In Hadjimitsis, D.G., Themistocleous, K., Michaelides, S., Papadavid, G. (Eds.) RSCy2015 Third International Conference on Remote sensing and Geoinformation of Environment Conference Abstracts, p. 14.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., 2015. 3D Archaeology: research methodology and applicability aspects - some preliminary thoughts, in D. Y. Hookk (ed.) Virtual Archaeology, Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Saint Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum, pp. 25-37.

Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S., Doerr, M., 2015. The Formal Logical Foundations of Archaeological Ontologies, in J. A. Barceló and I. Bogdanovic (eds.) Mathematics and Archaeology, Science Publishers (an imprint of CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group), Chapter 3, pp. 86-99.

Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S., 2015. Time-spans, chronology and classification, in J. A. Barceló and I. Bogdanovic (eds.) Mathematics and Archaeology, Science Publishers (an imprint of CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group), Chapter 13, pp. 257-271.

Vico, L., Hermon, S. 2015. Nuragic Sacred Well of Santa Cristina in Sardinia - From the 3D Survey Analysis to Labour Investment, in G. Guidi, R. Scopigno, F. Remondino (eds.) International Congress on Digital Heritage, IEEE.

Hazan, S., Hermon, S. 2014. On defining the virtual museum: a v-must research project, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. EVA 2014 Florence.

Georgiou, M., Armostis, S., Hermon, S., Christophorou, E., Vassallo, V., 2014. A multi-layered research on an ancient Cypriot inscription, in Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Cultural Heritage, Proceedings of the First EAGLE International Conference, S. Orlandi, R. Santucci, V. Casarosa, P. M. Liuzzo (eds.), Sapienza University Editrice, pp. 465-475.

Hermon, S. 2014. Towards a Digital Repository of Ethnographic Data. Fundamental Concepts and Implementation Matters – The Banat Showcase Example, in O. Hedesan, D. Percec, C. E. Popa (eds), Ethnographic Studies in the Banat Multicultural Rural Communities, A Digital Approach, Timisoara: Timisoara West University Press, pp. 51-64.

Hermon, S., Iannone, G., Amico, N., A. 2014. Three-Dimensional Approach to the Documentation and Analysis of Heritage Sites – a Case Study from the Cypriot Cultural Heritage Landscape, in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Best Practices in World Heritage: Archaeology, Menorca, Spain, pp 27-37.    

Athanasiou, E., Faka, M., Hermon, S., Vassallo, V., Yakoupi, K., 2013. 3D documentation pipeline of Cultural Heritage artifacts: a cross-disciplinary implementation, in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. I, pp. 145-152.

Damnjanovic, U., Hermon S., Iannone, G., 2013. Documentation of decision-making process in the analysis of digital heritage objects, in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. I, pp. 743-746.

Di Buono, M.P., Hermon, S., Monteleone, M., Ronzino, P., Vassallo, V., 2013. Decision-Making Support Systems for the Archaeological Domain: a Natural Language Processing Proposal, in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. II, pp. 397-400.

Hermon, S., Hazan, S., 2013. The Responsive Museum, in Beyond Control – The Collaborative Museum and its Challenges. International Conference on Design and Digital Heritage, NODEM2013 Stockholm, Interactive Institute Swedish ICT, Stockholm, pp. 183-193.

Hermon, S., Hazan, S., 2013. Rethinking the Virtual Museum, in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. II, pp. 625-632.

Hermon, S., Khalaily, H., Avni, G., Reem, A., Iannone, G., Fakka, M., 2013. Digitizing the Holy – 3D Documentation and analysis of the architectural history of the “Room of the Last Supper” – the Cenacle in Jerusalem, in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. II, pp. 359-362.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., Yakoupi, K., Kolosova, A., Iannone, G., Faka, M., Kyriacou P., Niccolucci, V., 2013. Documenting Architectonic Heritage in Conflict Areas. The case of Agia Marina Church, Derynia, Cyprus, in R. Gabaglio, D. Gulotta (eds.), Heritage 2013 - Monitoring Conservation and Management, Milano, pp. 800-808.

Kyriakou, P. and Hermon, S. 2013. Building a dynamically generated virtual museum using a game engine. in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. I pp. 443-447.

Kolosova, A., Hermon, S., 2013. Metadata Enhanced 3D Content Search for Real-Time Visualization of 3D Digital Assets, in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. II pp. Vol. 2, pp. 173-176.

Damnjanovic, U., Hermon, S., Deutscher, T., Roitman, A., Scheffer, H., 2013. Bringing New Life to Video Narratives for Exploring Cultural Heritage, in P. Nesi, R. Santucci (eds.) Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access, and Entertainment, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7990, pp. 1-12.

Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S., 2013. 3D in archaeology: 15 years of research-the role of EU projects, in V. Cappellini (ed.), Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. EVA 2013 Florence, pp. 48-52.

Vassallo, V., Athanasiou, E., Hermon, S., Eliades, I., 2013. Publishing Cultural Heritage content for Digital Libraries: the case of the collections of the Byzantine Museum and Art Gallery of the Archbishop Makarios III Foundation, in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. II, pp. 479-484.

Vassallo, V., Christophorou, E., Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., 2013. Revealing cross-disciplinary information through formal knowledge representation – a proposed Metadata for ancient Cypriot inscriptions, in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. II, pp. 79-82.

Vassallo, V., Kyriakou, N., Hermon, S., Eliades, I., 2013. Tracing provenance of lost and found Cypriot Byzantine icons, in A. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, S. Pescarin (eds.) Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille, IEEE, Vol. I, pp. 667-670.

Anastasiades, K., Hermon, S., Amico, N., Iannone, G., Nys, K. 2012. Post-Excavation Analysis in Archaeology Using 3D-Technology: the Case Study of Hala Sultan Tekke, in G. Earl, T. Sly, A. Chrysanthi, P. Murrieta-Flores, C. Papadopoulos, I. Romanowska, D. Wheatley (Eds.) Archaeology in the Digital Era Volume II, e-Papers from the 40th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 181-189.

Damnjanovic, U., Hermon, S. 2012. Interactive Workspace for Exploring Heterogeneous Data, in G. Earl, T. Sly, A. Chrysanthi, P. Murrieta-Flores, C. Papadopoulos, I. Romanowska, D. Wheatley (Eds.) Archaeology in the Digital Era Volume II, e-Papers from the 40th CAA Conference, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 110-119.

Hermon, S., Scientific Method, 2012. Chaîne Opératoire and Visualization - 3D Modelling as a Research Tool in Archaeology, in A., Bentkowska-Kafel, D., Baker, H. Denard (eds.), Paradata and Transparency in Virtual Heritage, Ashgate, London, pp. 13 – 22.

Hermon, S., Amico, N., Iannone, G., Khalayli, M., Milewski, I., Getzov, N., 2012. Archaeological field documentation and architectonic analysis - a 3D approach. Ein Zippori as study case, in D. Arnold, J. Kaminski, F. Niccolucci, and A. Stork (Eds.), The 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST (2012), The Eurographics Association, pp. 113-119.

Ronzino, P., Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., 2012. A Metadata Schema for Cultural Heritage Documentation, in V., Capellini (ed.), Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts: EVA 2012 Florence, Firenze University Press, pp. 36- 41.

Damnjanovic, U., Hermon, S., 2011. Connecting information as navigation paths for exploring digital video collections, in M. Dellepiane, F. Niccolucci, S. Pena Serna, H. Rushmeier, L. Van Gool (Eds.), The 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST, The Eurographics Association pp. 21–24.

Georgiou, R., Hermon, S., 2011. A London Charter’s visualization: the ancient Hellenistic-Roman theatre in Paphos, in M. Dellepiane, F. Niccolucci, S. Pena Serna, H. Rushmeier, L. Van Gool (Eds.), The 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST, The Eurographics Association, pp. 53-56.

Hermon, S., Vassallo, V., 2011. Preventive Archaeology: A Technological Integrated Solution, in M. Zhou, I. Romanowska, Z. Wu, P. Xu and P. Verhagen (eds.), Revive the Past, Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Beijing, China, pp. 177-185.

Hermon, S., Iannone, G., Gheorgiou, R., Amico, N., 2011. A Virtual Restoration of a Broken Pottery Vessel, in V. Karagheorghis, O. Kouka (eds.) On Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomweights and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and Neighbouring Regions, The A.G. Leventis Foundation, Nicosia, pp. 97 – 100.

Hermon, S., Vardi, J., Rosen, S.A., 2011. The Lithic Assemblage from the Camel Site, in S.A. Rosen, An Investigation into Early Desert Pastoralism, Excavations at the Camel Site, Negev, Monograph 69, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, pp. 81-110.

Iannone, G., Georgiou, R., Amico, N., Ronzino, R., Hermon, S., Karageorghis, V., Pilides, D., 2011. Ancient vase 3D reconstruction and visualization, in M. Zhou, I. Romanowska, Z. Wu, P. Xu and P. Verhagen (eds.), Revive the Past, Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Beijing, China, pp. 59-64.

Farinetti, E., Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., 2010. A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Artifact Based Data Collection Survey, in F., Niccolucci, S., Hermon, (eds.) Beyond the Artifact – Digital Interpretation of the Past, CAA2004, Archaeolingua, Budapest, pp. 123-127.

Niccolucci, F., Beacham, R., Hermon, S., Denard, H., 2010. Five Years After: The London Charter Revisited, in A., Artusi M., Joly, G., Lucet, D., Pitzalis A., Ribes (eds.), VAST 2010 The 11th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology, and Cultural Heritage, Eurographics Association, pp. 101-104.

Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S., 2010. A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Reliability in Archaeological Virtual Reconstruction, in Niccolucci, F., Hermon, S. (eds.) Beyond the Artifact – Digital Interpretation of the Past, CAA2004, Archaeolingua, Budapest, pp. 26-33.

Hermon, S., Ronzino, P., 2009. Laser-scanner 3D: acquisizione di dati sul sito di Pyrgos- Mavroraki, in M.R. Belgiorno (ed.) Cipro all’Inizio dell’Età del Bronzo, Gangelmi Editore, Rome, pp. 120-128.

Niccolucci, F., Felicetti, A., Hermon, S., Nys, K., Managing Full-text Excavation Data with Semantic Tools, in K. Debattista, et al. (eds.), VAST 2009 The 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology, and Cultural Heritage, Eurographics Association, pp. 125-132.

Hermon, S., 2008. Reasoning in 3D: a Critical Appraisal of the Role of 3D Modelling and Virtual Reconstructions in Archaeology, in B. Frischer and A. Dakouri-Hild (eds.), Beyond Illustration: 2D and 3D Technologies as Tools for Discovery in Archaeology, B.A.R. International Series 1805, Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 36-45.

Hermon, S., Nikodem, J., 2008. 3D Modelling as Scientific Research Tool in Archaeology, in A. Posluschny / K. Lambers / I. Herzog (eds.), Layers of Perception. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA). Berlin, Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Vol. 10, Bonn (CD-Rom).

Hermon, S., 2008. 3D Modelling and Virtual Reality for the Archaeological Research and Museum Communication of Cultural Heritage, in I. Oberländer-Târnoveanu (ed.) Museum and the Internet - Presenting Cultural Heritage Resources On-line, Archaeolingua, Budapest. Pp. 57 – 72.

Hermon, S., 2007. owards a Curriculum in Digital Approaches to Cultural Heritage, in S. Hermon (ed.), Academic Curricula for Digital Heritage, Archaeolingua, Budapest, pp. 7-10.

Hermon, S., 2007. A proposal for a curriculum in digital approaches to cultural heritage, in S. Hermon (ed.), Academic Curricula for Digital Heritage, Archaeolingua, Budapest, pp. 47-51.

Hermon, S., 2007. CHIRON – Cultural Heritage Informatics Research Oriented Network, A Marie – Curie EST project, in S. Hermon and F. Niccolucci (eds.), Communicating Cultural Heritage in the XXIth Century – the Chiron Project and its Research Opportunities, Archeolingua, Budapest, pp. 3-11.

Hermon, S., 3D Visualization and Virtual Reality in the Research and Interpretation of Archaeological Data, 2007. in Jerem, E., Mester, Z., Benczes, R. (eds.), Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Preservation, Archaeolingua, Budapest, pp. 143-150.

Hermon, S., 2007. COINS – an EU Funded Project to “Combat On-line Illegal Numismatic Sales”, in Arnold, D., Chalmers, S., Niccolucci, F. (eds.) Future Technologies to Empower Heritage Professionals, VAST 2007, Archaeolingua, Budapest, pp. 106-109.

Hermon, S., Sugimoto, G., Mara, H., 2007. The London Charter and its Applicability, in Arnold, D., Chalmers, S., Niccolucci, F. (eds.), Future Technologies to Empower Heritage Professionals, VAST 2007, Archaeolingua, Budapest, pp. 11 – 14.

Sugimoto, G., Felicetti, A., Perlingieri, C., Hermon, S., 2007. CIDOC-CRM Spider: Stonehenge as an Example of Semantic Data Integration, in Arnold, D., Chalmers, S., Niccolucci, F. (eds.) Future Technologies to Empower Heritage Professionals, VAST 2007, Eurographics Association, pp. 47-54.

Vardi, J., Rosen, S.A., and Hermon, S., 2007. The Early Bronze IV (Ca. 2200-2000) Economy: The Lithic Evidence, in B.A., Saidel, E. J., van ver Steen (eds.), On the Fringe of Society: Archaeological and Ethno- archaeological Perspectives on Pastoral and Agricultural Societies, B.A.R. International Series 1657, Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 93-110.

D'Andrea, A., Felicetti, A., Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., Zoppi, T., 2006. I linguaggi standard del W3C e gli strumenti Open Source per la gestione dei dati archeologici, in Bagnara, R., Macchi Janica, G. (eds.), Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei Processi di Ricerca Archeologici, Centro Editoriale Toscano Firenze, pp. 53-68.

Hermon, S., Nikodem J., Perlingieri C., 2006. Deconstructing the VR - Data Transparency, Quantified Uncertainty and Reliability of 3D Models. In Ioannides, M. Arnold, D., Niccolucci, F. , Mania, K. (Eds.). The e-Documentation of Cultural Heritage, VAST2006, Eurographics Association, pp. 123–129.

Rosen, S. A., Hermon, S., Vardi, J., Abadi, Y., 2006. The Chipped Stone Assemblage from Be’er Resisim in the Negev Highlands: A Preliminary Study, in S., Gittin, J.E., Wright, J. P., Dessel, (eds.), Confronting the Past, Eisenbraun’s Publishers, pp. 133-144.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., D’Andrea, A., 2005. Some evaluations on the potential impact of virtual reality on the archaeological scientific research, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, Ghent, Belgium. Archaeolingua, Budapest, pp. 105-14.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., Alhaique, F., Iovino, M-R., Leonini, V., 2004. Archaeological typologies – an archaeological fuzzy reality, in Magistrat der Stadt, Wien (ed.) Enter the Past, the E – way into the Four Dimensions of Cultural Heritage. CAA 2003, B.A.R. International Series 1227, Archaeopress, Oxford pp. 30–34.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci, F., 2003. A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Typology in Archaeological Research. in M. Doerr and A. Sarris, (eds.) The Digital Heritage of Archaeology, CAA 2002, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Greece, pp. 307-312.

Hermon, S., Fabian, P., 2002. Virtual reconstruction of archaeological sites – some archaeological scientific considerations, in Niccolucci, F. (ed.) Virtual Archaeology VAST2001, B.A.R. International Series, S1075, Archaeopress, Oxford. pp.103-8.

Hermon, S., Petrone, M., Calori, L., 2001. An experimental method for the analysis of attributes of flint artefacts using image processing. in Stancic, Z. & Veljanovski, T. (eds.). Computing Archaeology for Understanding the Past, CAA2000, B.A.R. International Series 931, Archaeopress, Oxford. pp. 91-98.


Damnjanovic, U., Hermon, S., Coulie, A., 2010. Wild-goat. Towards a virtual “Corpus Vasorum” of wild-goat style vessels of museum collections, in F.J. Melero, P. Cano, J. Revelles (eds.) Fusion of Cultures, Granada, Spain, pp. 579-582.

Hermon, S., Hadjicosti, M., Pilides, D., Ronzino, P., Pitzalis, D., 2010. Evaluation of acquisition and post-processing pipeline for 3D models of ancient statues, in F.J. Melero, P. Cano, J. Revelles (eds.) Fusion of Cultures, Granada, Spain, pp. 39-42.

Hermon, S., Kaptsan, I., Vassallo, V., 2010. Towards an integrated platform for urban planning, rescue archaeology and public inclusion, in F.J. Melero, P. Cano, J. Revelles (eds.) Fusion of Cultures, Granada, Spain, pp. 465-468.

Hermon, S., Pilides, D., Amico, N., D’Andrea, A., Iannone, G., Chamberlain, M., 2010. Arc3D and 3D laser-scanning: a comparison of two alternate technologies for 3D data acquisition, in F.J. Melero, P. Cano, J. Revelles (eds.) Fusion of Cultures, Granada, Spain, pp. 55-58.

Niccolucci, F., Felicetti, A., Samaes, M., Hermon, S., Nys, K., 2010. Ontologies and semantic tools for the management of full-text archaeological documentation. Assessments from the Hala Sultan Tekke case-study, in F.J. Melero, P. Cano, J. Revelles (eds.) Fusion of Cultures, Granada, Spain, pp. 686-687.

Pilides, D., Hermon, S., Amico, N., Chamberlain, M., D’Andrea, A., Iannone, G., Ronzino, P., 2010. The Hill of Agios Giorgios, Nicosia: 3D analysis of an on-going excavation, in F.J. Melero, P. Cano, J. Revelles (eds.) Fusion of Cultures, Granada, Spain, pp. 325- 328.

Hermon, S., Niccolucci. F., 2000. The Impact of Shared Information Technology on Archaeological Scientific Research, CRIS 2000 conference, Helsinki (on-line publication -

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